

『教本』より 分かりやすい英文を心掛ける あまりに主観的な表現を入れないように 効果的な構文を使用する 無生物主語 受動態の多様は避ける 強調(倒置)構文 仮定法を正確に使えると文章力の幅が広がる。 侵略国がその小国の占領を放棄するのであれば、国民…

Unit 11

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Kokubunji Station?Sure. Take the Inokashira Line to Kichijoji Station. It's the final stop and takes about ten minutes. Once there, go out the exit, down the stairs, and turn right. Go to the Chuo…

Unit 12

U.S. warplanes in naval forces have launched the second day of atacks against suspective military and terrorist sites in Afghanistan.Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the new attacks involved nighttime strikes by Stealth bombers, as w…

Unit 13

So, Andrew, did you put together a conposite personality profile of new employees for the company brochure?I've almost finished with it. The dead line is Tuesday, so I have 48 more hours.Any interesting conclusion so far?Just the usual.Wel…

Unit 14

Let's get the answer to today's quiz question.I asked you, "which one of the following airports is America's busiest- Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport, Chicago's O'Hare Airport, or Memphis International in Tennessee?" Well, whatever you guesse…

Unit 15

It's eight thirty and time of this morning's traffic report of Tokyo and Yokohama Areas. There's a four-car pile-up on the Shuto Expressway, just west of the Ginza exit. Drivers should avoid this area if it all possible to allow emergency …


「頻出形容詞」より知らない形容詞20 これで200。パンクしそうです。 elaborate elaborate design 手の込んだ obscure obscure legal terms 分かりにくい versatile a versatile musician 多才な unauthorized the unauthorized use 無許可の contagious con…

Unit 10

The Japanese government has downsized. Often considerd the nightmare bureaucracy, the Japanese government decided to reorganize itself effective this past January. The government executive branch previously contains 23 separate ministries …

Unit 9

I can help you here, mom. Can I see your ticket and passport, please?Here you are. I was wondering, would it be possible to be upgraded to first class?Let me see... The computer says that we have two seats in first class on this flight.OK,…

Unit 8

Can you show me how to sign up for free e-mail account so I can send New Year's messages by computer?Sure. First, type in "islandplay.com." Done.Now click words says "Sign up now."Hmm...now it's asking for my Islandplay address, but I don'…

Unit 4

Doctor! I've been waiting here for over two hours and still nobody's taken look at me.Sorry about that. Come in to the examining room. I'll take a look at you now. What seems to be the problem?I've had a stomackache since this morning and …

Unit 5

I thought street people were lazy. I would turn my nose up at them until they get jobs. That is, until the day I was looking at some people waiting in line for food at a local shelter. I suddenly realized that one of the men with dirty clo…

Unit 6

Everyone enjoys the sights, sounds and smells of the forest. It is up to all of us, then, to prevent forest fires so that our children and grand children can enjoy them, too. To ensure that our forests are around for a long time to come, p…

Unit 7

May I have your attention, please. We have just arrived at Tottori Station, and we will be making our way to famous Tottori Sand Dunes. These dunes are over ten kilometers' long and at some sections over two kilometers' wide. They stretch …

Unit 2

Take a look at this add. At 2.99 all-you-can-eat spicy Valentine's dinner at Hal's Hot House this week.Sorry, dear, but I'm not interested in getting the second degree mouth burns I suffered from last year.Come on, honey. It wasn't that ba…

Unit 3

In order to help serve you better, we've increased the security procedures at the airport and we want to advise the passengers of the changes in our system. As a precaution against theft, please be sure to carry your bags with you and keep…


Unit 1 ディクテーション I was born in Long Island in 1929. I studied at some of the best schools when briefly lived in Paris where I gained experience in journalism. After returning to Washington D.C., and landing a job local newspaper I m…


[1000時間ヒアリングマラソン]のデータが明らかにする 日本人は英語のここが聞き取れない 3週間でできる弱点克服トレーニング日本人は英語のここが聞き取れない―3週間でできる弱点克服トレーニング【CD1枚付き】作者: 松岡昇出版社/メーカー: アルク発売日: …


「頻出動詞」より、知らない動詞20 intrude I'm sorry to intrude, but… 邪魔をする seize seize illegal drugs を押収する whine Stop whining! 泣き言を言う demote demoted to a subordinate position を降格する convene convene a commission を召集す…


Good Job! よくやった! Good play! いいプレイだ! Back up. さがれ! You can do it. お前ならできる (Pay) attention! 注目 No talking. 話をするな Look alive. ボケッとしてるな Good game. いいゲームだった Good hustle. よくがんばった Good swing! い…


単語のスペル wiggle move to and fro fro from hostile 敵意を持った、強硬に反対する pebble a small smooth stone sample a small part of something wax ろう settle bring to an end sprinkle まく(こと)、少量 fumble drop a ball 短縮形 contraction …


質問に入ります。私の問題カードは、 コマ4の市長ならどう思いますか? 今の人たちはコミュニティーに関心をもっていると思いますか? メディアはこのようなシリアスな問題とエンターテイメントのどちらを重視すべきだと思いますか? 政府は税金を有効に使って…


ナレーション カードに市長の話だという説明がありました。 市長室から、窓から外で仕事を求める人たちが横断幕を持って声を上げているのを見ていました。 会議室で、工場建設が話し合われ、ボードに経済的優遇の提案が書かれていました。 失業率が下がった…


申し込み締め切りが延長されて滑り込み出願してから2ヶ月を経て、無事合格することができました。 2次の得点は31点と想像よりかなり高かったです。問題カードによって多少の難易の差はあるようです。私の問題カードは、市長が失業対策の必要性を感じて工場を…


「頻出名詞」より知らない名詞20 removal the removal of the dam 撤去 powerhouse an economic powerhouse 強大な国 quota an import quota ノルマ memento a memento of his trip to France 思い出の品 testimony the defendant's testimony 証言 overhaul…


文章問題を解く dime 10セント硬貨 nickel ニッケル、5セント白銅貨 penny 1セント銅貨 yo-yo ヨーヨー tricycle 三輪車 割り算の意味 division 割り算 概算と正確な計算 flower bulb 花の球根 estimate 概算 10の位の四捨五入 round to the nearest ten 10…


perimeter 周辺(の長さ) triangle 三角形 equilateral triangle 正三角形 isosceles triangle 二等辺三角形 right-angled triangle 直角三角形 square 正方形 rectangle 長方形 parallelogram 平行四辺形 trapezoid 台形 hexagon 六角形 octagon 八角形 circ…


国語 official language 公用語 Constitution 憲法 settler 居住者、移民者 be passed down to に譲る multilingualism 多言語主義 immigrant 移民 Tagalog タガログ語 grant 許可する、与える、仮定する dim sum 点心 pierogy 小麦粉団子(ポーランド系移民…


成績表・合格証書が郵送で届きました。26日到着と書かれていましたが、今日届きました。受験票などの郵送からweb発表まですべて予定期日より早く送っているようです。 2次の31点の内訳は ナレーション13/15 Q&A16/20 アティテュード2/3 でした。バランス的に…


算数 number sentence 数式 operation 加減乗除の演算 expression 式