
removal the removal of the dam 撤去
powerhouse an economic powerhouse 強大な国
quota an import quota ノルマ
memento a memento of his trip to France 思い出の品
testimony the defendant's testimony 証言
overhaul a major overhaul 分解修理
itinerary make up an itinerary 旅行計画
negligence medical negligence 過失
corruption political corruption 汚職
precaution take precautions against 予防措置
livelihood lose his livelihood 生計
vault a bank vault 金庫室
esteem self-esteem 尊敬
hindrance a hindrance to economic growth 障害
consolation words of consolation 慰め
fragment fragments of glass 破片
usher a theather usher 案内係
additive food additives 添加物
deficiency a deficiency of nutrition 不足
subordinate the relationship between subordinates and superiors 部下