Unit 3

In order to help serve you better, we've increased the security procedures at the airport and we want to advise the passengers of the changes in our system. As a precaution against theft, please be sure to carry your bags with you and keep them in your sight all the times. Airport security stuffs have the right to check your bags any time. But if someone asks to look inside your baggage, please be sure to ask to see airport identification. This is for your own protection and safety. Also, have your boarding pass and identification ready to show airport officials who may ask to see them. We thank you for your understanding

the security procedures >security procedures
the passengers >passengers
all the times >at all times
stuffs >staff
any time >at any time
. But if >, but if

advise A of B AにBを知らせる、通知する
theft 盗難、窃盗
carry A with B AをBの身につけて持ち運ぶ、Aを携帯する
keep A in your sight Aから目を離さない
at all times 常に
at any time いつでも

in the wake of の結果として、に引き続いて
at any rate とにかく、いずれにせよ
turn out という結果になる
at a loss 途方にくれて、当惑して
make ends meet 収支内でやりくりする

Everyone was shocked in the wake of recent advance.
At any rate, we can decide where to stay once we get there.
I'll make an effort to call before I leave.
Everything is going to turn out fine.
I'll be waiting at your convenience.

recent advance >recent events