Justice and the Moral Limits of Markets


今日は第2章の終わり、92ページまで読みました。そのほかに、2009年にLSEで行われたSandelの講演"Justice and the Moral Limits of Markets "を2度ほど聴きました。動画、音声ともにiTunesから落とせます。


A computarized pillbox records whether they take the drug and tells them whether they won that day.


It fits, I think, because we suspect that the monetary motive crowds out other, better motives. Heres' how: Good health is not only about achieving the right cholesterol level and body mass index. It is also about developing the right attitude to our physical well-being and treating our bodies with care and respect. Paying people to take their meds does little to develop such attitudes and may even undermine them.

Health bribes trick us into doing something we should be doing anyhow. They induce us to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Sometimes, it helps to be tricked. It isn't easy to quit smoking or lose weight on our own. But eventually, we should rise above manipulation. Otherwise, the bribe may become habit forming.


the bribes may corrupt their moral education and make it harder for thm to learn the virtue of gratitude. Even if it increase production in the short run, the bribe for thank-you notes will have failed, by including the wrong way of valuing the good in question.


It encourages the participant - the buyers, the sellers, and also those whose asylum is being haggle over - to think of refugees as burdens to be unloaded or as revenue sources, rather than as human beings in peril.


Markets leave their mark on social norms. Often, market incentives erode or crowd out nonmarket incentives.

Introducing the monetary payment changed the norms. Before, parents who came late felt guilty; they were imposing an incovenience on the teachers. Now parents considered a late pickup as a service for which they were willing to pay. They treated the fine as if it were a fee. Rather than imposing on the teacher, they were simply paying him or her to work longer.

市場とモラルの問題は、市場で扱われているものの値段にあるfineとfeeという視点からも捉えられます。fine/ feeというのは、

Fines register moral disapproval, whereas fees are simply prices that imply no moral judgment.



Where global cooperation is at stake, allowing rich countires to avoid meaningful reductions in their own energy use by buying the right to pollute from others (or paying for programs that enable other countries to pollute less) does damage to two norms: it entrenches an instrumental attitude toward nature, and it undermines the spirit of shared sacrifice that may be necessary to create a global environment ethic.

Economists often assume that solving global warming is simply a matter of designing the right incentive structure and getting countries to sign on. But this misses a crucial point: norms matter.

My point is simply that markets reflect and promote certain norms, certain ways of valuing the goods they exchange. In deciding whether to commodify a good, we must therefore consider more than efficiency and distributive justice. We must also ask whether market norms will crowd out nonmarket norms, and if so, whether this represents a loss worth caring about.

As markets and market-oriented thinking reach into spheres of life traditionally governed by nonmarket norms - health, education, procreation, refugee policy, environmental protection - this dilemma arises more and more often.


Whether to create a market in the hunting of endangered species depends not only whether it increases their number but also on whether it expresses and promotes the right way of valuing them.


An economy is just a group of people interacting with one another as they go about their lives.


the incidence of the term (incentive) increased by 400 percent from the 1940s to the 1990s.

であったり(案外少ないような気も・・・)して、経済学者はAdam Smith好んで引用しているものの、

This is a far cry from Adam Smith's image of the market as an invisible hand.

utilitarianism is open to some familiar objections. The objection most relevant to market reasoning asks why we should maximize the satisfaction of preferences regardless of their moral worth.


To decide whether to rely on financial incentives, we need to ask whether those incentives will corrupt attitudes and norms worth protecting.
