Emperor 天皇
Empress 皇后
Parliament 議会
Parliament building 議事堂
Crown Prince 皇太子
bilateral 二国間の
ties 関係、つながり
premier 首相、州知事
resident 住民
local resident 地域の住民
bouquet 花束(bouquet of flowers)

imperial 皇室の
the Imperial Family 天皇家、皇室
the Imperial Palace 皇居
I took my friend to visit the Imperial Palace.
To visit this building, you need permission from the Imperial Household Agency.
the Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan 天皇陛下
Her Majesty the Empress of Japan 皇后陛下
Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan 天皇皇后両陛下
His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince 皇太子殿下
Her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess 皇太子妃殿下
Their Imperial Highnesses the Crown Prince and Crown Princess 皇太子殿下夫妻
王室はthe Royal Family; 主に立憲君主
the Prince of Wales 英国皇太子

tie(s) 関係、つながり、(試合で)同点、結ぶ
bilateral ties 二国間のつながり・外交関係

He has strong ties to the business community.
The game was tied at 5-5.