
Episode 5 サンディエゴまでドライブ!
What are the rates per day? 料金は1日いくらですか?
The rate is 200 dollars per day, and you have unlimited miles.

Are the hotel rates per person or per room?

Can you show me how the sweitches work in the car?
Sure. Here's youur turn signal. Right turn, up; left turn, down.

Is there anything interesting to see around here? この辺でおもしろいものはありますか?
There are tons of things you can see and do around here.

Are there any good restauranets?

What kind do you have? どんな種類(のジュース)がありますか?
We have pineapple, cranberry, and orange juice.

What kind of wine do you have?

Is it OK to just order drinks?