
The Great Gatsby

単語の続き sumptuous 高価な、豪華な、豊満な spiritless 元気のない、しおれた、生気のない anaemic 貧血(性)の、無気力の(anemic) jovially 陽気に thickish やや厚い、やや太い、やや濃い stout 体の大きい、肉付きの良い、度胸のある、確固とした sensu…

Lessons from Crisis

Balancing the Banksを26ページまで。まだ2章の途中。


第1編例文9 The belief that death is a gate-way to a better life ought, logically, to prevent men from feeling any fear of death. Fortunately for the medical profession, it*1 does not in fact have this effect*2, except in a few rare instanc…