
第3回 神出鬼没の曖昧母音
queer: ホモ、奇人。奇妙な
Xerxes: クセルクセス(人名)
zany: 狂気じみた

Have a banana in Yokohama!

Today for breakfast I had a banana, a slice of toast with butter, and a cup of coffee with a spoonful of sugar."

Today for lunch I had a hamburger with fried potatoes and a glass of soda and a bar of chocolate."

Tonight for dinner I had salmon with potatoes, carrots and onions with a pint of lager."

Scouser's accent

speak very quickly
wide range of intonation
long vowel; girl, book, bus
glottal: clock
funny d sound: don't> dzon't
fair> fur
hair> hur
That geerl has fur hur!
'1,2,3,4' in the "I saw her standing there"
"I Am A Walrus"
"Polythene Pam" in Abbey Road

What are you like?: I'm really surprised by that.
Tara! :Good bye! ('Ta-ta' is used in RP)
Tara for now!
Tara, wack!: Good bye guy!

All right there, wack!: 調子はどうだい?


Here, with my beer, I sit,
While golden moments flit.
Alas, they pass unheeded by,
And, as they fly, I, being dry,
Sit, idly sipping here my beer.
O, finer far than fame or riches
Are the graceful smoke-wreathes of this cigar!
Why should I weep, wail, or sigh?
What if luck has passed me by?
What if my hopes are dead,
My pleasures fled?
Have I not still my fill of right good cheer-
Cigars and beer!
George Arnold(1834-1865), 'Beer'

This is the rat that ate the malt that lay in this is the House that Jack built.