

play along play along with his idea 同意したふりをする
weed out weed out unsuitable candidates を排除する
back down refuse to back down 非を認める
die down gradually die down 静まる
measure up to measure up to a certain standard に達する
tear down tear down the old building を取り壊す
come to come to in an ambulance 意識を回復する
put forward put forward a new plan を提出する
clear up clear up a misunderstanding を解く
map out map out my future の計画を練る
toss out toss out old clothes を捨てる
adhere to adhere to the dress code を順守する
stick around stick around for a while ちょっと待つ
give in to give in to the union's demands に屈する
wipe out wipe out the enemy troops を全滅させる
account for account for more than half of を占める
run through run through the list にざっと目を通す
draw on draw on my experience を活用する
bring down bring down the Nazi regime を倒す
glare at glare at him silently を睨みつける