
take up take up golf を始める
jot down jot down her phone number を書き留める
turn out turn out for the event 出かける
stick to stick to his job をやり通す
chip in chip in to buy a car 金を出し合う
set off set off a burglar alarm を作動させる
rip off rip off tourists を食い物にする
eat up eat up energy を消費する
touch on touch on the problem に言及する
sit back sit back and let things happen 何もしないでいる
work out work out a new plan を考え出す
ship out slip out of his mouth つい口から漏れる
put down put down a 5 percent deposit を払う
track down track down the killer を突き止める
push on push on to her destination 前進する
cling to cling to his arm にしがみつく
sail through sail through his driving test に楽々合格する
iron out iron out the problem を解決する
come down with come down with a cold にかかる
stick with stick with a diet を続ける