1-4 The American Speech Music

Ch.1 American Intonation


clench 堅く締める
jaw あご
indigenous 原産の、生来の
audible 聞こえる
dictate 書き取らせる、指示する、決定する
choppy とぎれとぎれの、ぎくしゃくした
stiff 堅い
stilted 堅苦しい、形式ばった
chunky 塊の入った、大きな塊の
flight of stairs 一連の階段
clip 切る、省略する
abbreviate 短縮する
upset 混乱している
curt そっけない
terse 簡潔な
abrupt 突然の、険しい
rude 無礼な

create most of sounds in the throat using the tongue
not move lips

→practice English holding your fingers over the lips or clench the jaws

melodic and jazzy way
Betty bought a bit of better butter.

much more exaggerated than British English
→easy to understand, confident, dynamic and persuasive

Do Not Speak Word by Word

Connect Words to Form Sound Groups
sound unit not word by word
make sentence flow smoothly
Bob is on the phone
→Bo bi son the phone

Use staircase intonation
let sound groups floationg on the wavy flow downhill
sound much more confident

Americans tend to strech out their sounds longer than you may think is natural
→put them on two stairsteps instead of just one

We're here.


words ending unvoiced consonant→quite quickly, on a single stairstep
words ending voiced sonsonant→more slowly, on a double stairstep
→if on a single stairstep, listeners hear the wrong word or speaker sounds upset
curt, short, terse, abrupt, and clipped mean upset or rude



Changing pitch is the most refined wat to make intonation. pausing just Before changing the pitch is effective, but don't make use of it so often because that is an obvious technique.

1-5 excercise 1-1

jerk グッと引っ張る
imprecise 不明確な