

勇気 The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. by マハトマ・ガンジー gorgiving 寛大なこと gorgiving parents 寛大な良心 forgivable 許せる a forgivable mistake 許せる間違い創造 Do not go where the path may lead;…


経済 My greatest challenge has been to change the mindset of people. Mindsets play strange tricks on us. We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see. by ムハマド・ユヌス mindset (固定された)考え方・物の見方 jack changed …


人材活用 Readily usable people become redily useless. by藤原銀次郎 In employing others, ability or its absence must be the criterion of choice. Seniority shouuld not be the basis of judgement. by織田信長 manner 態度、素振り、物事のやり方。…


録画しておいたのをまとめて見てます。続けて再放送が始まりましたが、なんか微妙な企画です。パル先生曰く、「微妙」とtrickyは似ているそうです。才能 Someone who works and studies three, four, five times harder than anyone else... that's a genius…