
Five-storey Pagodas

これが言いたい インドのストゥーパが五重塔の源流です。 forerunner: 源流、先駆け Sei Shonagon was the forerunner of modern Japanese essayists. The sanshin was the forerunner of the shamisen. →Indian stupas were the forerunners of Japanese fi…

episode 2 Apartments

learning abbreviations in advertisements describing apartments with adjectives Directions Draw the apartment Babi descrives. perpendicular>forming right angles Directions Talk about renting an apartment in New York. br>bedroom 24h dm>24-ho…

第12回 ロウアー マンハッタン

He always tells me not to put all my eggs in one basket. 自分のもっているものの全てを、ある一つのものにつぎこむ。 Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Then, we're in good shape. それなら十分余裕があるね。 いい状況にあるとき全般に使える。…

第11回 ユニオン スクエア

If I remember correctly, it should be. 100%の自信がないときに添える。 The Greenmarket is open four days a week if I remember correctly. If my memory is correct, the appointment is 5 p.m. She has a green thumb. 植物などを育てるのが好き・得…

第10回 ウエスト ヴィレッジ

It comes with the territory. それは立場上仕方のないことだ。まあ、しょうがない。 Your guess is as good as mine. 誰かに質問されて、答がわからない。私にもわかりません。 I don't know the answer. They used to hang around the cafes in this area.…

episode 22 cities

talking about cities learning how to compare things with adjectives and nouns NY cosmopolitan →different ethnic groups and different cultures exciting, amazing, atressful, crowded, polluted, dirty, stinky, hotequality Tokyo is (just) as cr…