After the Music Stopped

After the Music Stoppedを読み終えました。

The Ten Financial Commandments

  1. Thou Shalt Remember That People Forget
  2. Thou Shalt not Rely on Self-Regulation
  3. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Shareholders
  4. Thou Shalt Elevate the Importance of Risk Management
  5. Thou Shalt Use Less Leverage
  6. Thou Shalt Keep It Simple, Stupid
  7. Thou Shalt Standardize Derivatives and Trade Them on Organized Exchanges
  8. Thou Shalt Keep Things on the Balance Sheet
  9. Thou Shalt Fix Perverse Compensation Systems
  10. Thou Shalt Watch Out for Ordinary Consumer-Citizens

A Seven-Step Rehab Program for Policy Makers

  1. Don't Try to Do Too Many Things at Once
  2. Explain Yourself to the People
  3. Say It in Language That Ordinary People Can Understand
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3
  5. Set Expectations Low
  6. Pay Close Attention to People's Attitudes, Prejudices, and Misconceptions
  7. Pay Rapt Attention to Fairness