

TOPIC: Does more need to be done to address Japan’s low birthrate?
POINTS: Attitudes toward work/ Environmental consequences/ Government assistance/ Immigration/ The economy/ The increasing elderly population

The low birthrate is one of the most serious worldwide problems. In Japan, this problem has been recognized since decades ago, but we don’t seem to have any good solution. We need to address it more seriously.

First of all, the low birth rate shrinks the economy. The low birth rate causes the decrease in the current demand of goods and the supply of labor in the future. These lower the national income and the tax revenue caused by the economic activity.

Since the low birth rate is an economic problem, the governments have to tackle it seriously. Almost all economists say the government can incentivize the young people to have their children through the assistance such as the subsidy and the tax cut.

Although the government assistance is significant, the people ourselves should change our attitudes toward work. In the postwar era, we concentrated exclusively on the economic activity, and never changed our minds drastically even after Japan became one of the most developed countries. Even worse, our concerns are narrowed to ourselves with the shortsighted views. We should change our minds for ourselves.

In conclusion, it is time that not only the government but the people ourselves should address the low birthrate much more seriously.