

精神的な諸能力 me___l fac___ies
知的活力 int_______al vi__r
検討に値する提案 a pro____l wo__h studying
彼を議論に引き込む en___e him in de__te
活発な討論 an ac___e de__te
冗談だとみなす re___d it as a joke
誘惑に負けない re___t to tem______n
嬉しくて叫ぶ exc___m with del___t
不快感を隠す con___l your dis___t
怒りで爆発する exp___e in an__r
勇気ある行動を示す exh___t bra___y
他人への配慮 con_______ion for others
気持の発散 emo_____l rel___e
ゆるがぬ確信 a f__m con____ion
自信を起こさせる ins___e con_____ce
きちんとした身なり a t__y app_____ce
ちっぽけな小屋 a t__y h_t
手間がはぶける道具 a l__r-s__ing de___e
(台所の)皿の山 a h__p of di__es
熟れたトマト a r__e tomato

mental faculties
intellectual vigor
a proposal worth studying
engage him in debate
an active debate
regard it as a joke
resist the temptation
exclaim with delight
conceal your disgust
explode in anger
exhibit bravery
consideration for others
emotional release
a firm conviction
inspire confidence
a tidy appearence
a tiny hut
a labor-saving device
a heap of dishes
a ripe tomato