This Is Real

fondly 好ましく
remind に気づかせる、思い出させる

How are you holding up?

delusion 妄想
medication 投薬
guilt 罪悪感
rage 激怒

nut(s) 変わり者、おかしくなったやつ
squeamish 気後れする

But alas, I am stuck with me.
alas (間投詞)ああ、悲しいかな
stuck with から逃れられない

drazzle 驚かす、人目を引く
reinstate 復帰させる

It's life, John. Activities available. Just add meaning.

It's been a while.

Knowing your situation requires you keep a low profile, Mohammed. We've brought the mountain to you.
keep a low profile 目立たなくする

narrow 絞り込む
seaboard 海岸(線)
pinpoint 正確な位置を定める
personel 人材、人員

I've gone to great trouble to get you back.

restore one's status 地位を回復させる >復職させる

draw (水を)汲む
I'll draw his bath.

inject 注射する
cloak 覆い隠す
serum 血清
bloodstream 血流
dissolve 溶ける

Leave her out of this.
leave out 除外する

meds You can't reason your way out of this... Because your mind is where the problem is in the first place.

work out うまくいく、(問題などを)解く
take over 支配する
commitment paper 委任状
figure out (答を)見つけ出す、解明する