episode 25 Hopes and Wishes

  • talking about hopes and wishes
  • creating class poems by using "wish"

hope >something possible

He hopes to be a professional soccer player.
He hopes that he will become a professional soccer player.
He hopes that he becomes a professional soccer player.
clause: subject + verb
infinitive: to + verb

They hope he doesn't become a professional soccer player.; more common
They hope he won't become a professional soccoer player.

subject in main clause = subject in a noun clause > can use the infinitive

He wishes that he could play with a famous player.
He wishes that he played with a famous player.

They wish she didn't have a boyfriend.; wishes about the present time
They wish that she would break with her boy friend.; wishes about the future
They wish that she hadn't met her boyfriend.; wishes about the past

base form: 原形

Write your own wish, put them together and make class poems.