episode 23 Geography

  • talking about geography
  • practicing the superlative forms of adjectives and nouns

compare more than two cities

What is the biggest country in the world?

The biggexst country in the world is Russia.
The most populous country is China.; populous >full of people
Columbia has the most friendiest people.
New York has the most famous statue.

superlative form

one syllable >_est
three or more syllables >most
two syllables:
adjectives ending with y >_est
otherwise >most
but some exceptions: Who is the hansomest/most handsome people in this class?

Which country has the most land?
Which country has the least land?
Which country has the most people?
Which country has the fewest poeple?

superlative form of nouns

countable nouns >fewest
uncountable nouns >least

geography game
One group asks questions about the Uinted States or the world.

What is the longest river in the U.S.?
Which state gets the smallest amount of snow?
Which of these three countries has the least oil? Mexico, Iraq or Italy?
Which country has the most inhabitants?
Which is the biggest desert? The Sahara, The Australian Desert or the Arabian Desert?