
Episode 1 地下鉄でハリウッドに行こう!

How can I get there from here? Is it far? ここからそこまでどう行ったらいいですか? 遠いですか?
No. It's within walking distance. Go straight. Take a right on your second block. It's on the right. You'll see a Metro sign above you.

How many stops is it? いくつ目ですか?
It's eight stops from here.

How long will it take to get there? そこまで行くのにどれくらい時間がかかりますか?

Is there anywhere else you recomment? 他に見どころはありますか?
The Central Courtyard.

Would you please take a picture of us two with the Hollywood Sign in the backgoumnd? ハリウッドサインをバックに2人の写真を撮ってもらえませんか?

Wouold you please take a picture of me?

They came out really nice! よく撮れているわ!